Monday, April 9, 2007

Entrepreneurship at SMU: A Trend Worth Following

The Mission

Recently, our communications class received a trend challenge from a Los Angeles based trend hunting company, Look-Look. The company has eyed a shift in the way young people (ages 19-35) are redefining their values concerning work, career and happiness. The trend emerging from the shift is a rise in young entrepreneurship. They coin the trend, the “New Entrepreneur”.

Our role is to dive in and investigate the trend as it manifests in our world: on the SMU campus.

The Landscape Change

Today’s generation of twenty-something’s have a different mentality toward their career future than generations past. One thing hasn’t changed though: Americans are dreamers. In 2007 and beyond, those dreams are becoming more and more accessible through the advancement of technology, accessibility of information, and rapid discovery and growth of niche markets.

Previously, the traditional corporate route seemed to be expected. Now, it’s an option. Climbing the ladder within a company was standard, employee loyalty was important in going further and job-hopping was looked down upon. The job market has now changed. Entrepreneurs are emerging everywhere and they are taking business risks at younger ages- carving their own path and making their dreams happen.

With many examples of young people making it big( like Mark Zuckerberg and Mark Cuban), being an entrepreneur seems more tangible. Can anyone can make a buck off what they are passionate about? Not quite. So what makes a great idea sink or swim?

SMU's own, Markus Pinyero, owner of Urban Taco, shared his thoughts with me on what it takes to make a dream a reality.

"New Entrepreneur" Spotlight: Markus Pinyero

A 2004 SMU graduate will soon be taking on Dallas' modern mexican restaurant market. Markus Pinyero, the 24-year old proprietor will open Urban Taco, setting the standard as the first upscale taqueria in Dallas this May. Urban Taco will showcase a truly Mexican menu straight from Pinyero’s upbringing in Mexico City.

Set in a prime Dallas business location, Mockingbird Station, the taqueria has already gained international attention. This April, Food Arts Magazine, an international restaurant magazine, made mention of Pinyero’s Urban Taco.

....more to come

Other SMU Entrepreneurs

Scott Baradell: Idea Grove
Blake Mycoskie: TOMS Shoes
Scott Summerall: Summerall Properties
Christie Groom: Camp Rascals
Philipe Sterling: Centre
Guy Bellaver: Author of “Dumb It Down”

1 comment:

College Bloggers said...

Very visually appealing. Good information and easy to follow. Check over punctuation and use AP Style.